complete shithive maggots up in this bitch


so theres this one kid who pretty much made me who i am okay?

okay so ive been thinking about how i came to be who i am today. ive actually figured it all out for the most part, e%cept for where the hell and obscene number of fetishes came into being within my soul (not how fetishes work but whatever).
im pretty sure this one kid, who i'm gonna call J-KRIZZLE because his first name is julian and krizzle is just damn awesome, is responsible the events that shaped me or at least was there when all dat shit went down.
okay so the first thing that happened was he gave me the se% talk because my parents are awful. also, be warned: when i describe the place, dont even bother trying to make sense of it youll only understand if youve been there. yeah sorry i sort of nostalgiaed it up and didnt really bother to describe it legibly because its kind of hard to.
i was at the p001 with him when we were like in 1st or 2nd grade or something, i guess i was seven or eight at the time, maybe younger or older, i dont remember when things happened, just that they did one time. anyway, there was this place behind the p001, there was this building that was a clubhouse or something? and there were bathrooms too, connected to it, and between the bathrooms and the clubhouse was this stretch of wood that didnt have anything in it e%cept benches on one side, and the entrance was on the other, and it was open-air and we would play wall-ball there e%cept i was SO AWFUL YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE. anyway, behind the benches was a grassy area that kids werent supposed to go but they didnt really have anything preventing us from going there and there was this open drain thing that was like they dug into the ground and made a curve with two tunnels for sewage or something in the curved part of the wall. and we were standing on the curved part, 100king out on the fence that stood in front of it that seperated the p001 from this overgrown area of weeds and shit that was more like a forest to us when we were kids, and we had bought drinks from the concession stand, and we finished and threw the cans into the river below us that flowed out from the two tunnels and we were trying to justify the morality of DESTROYING THE ENTIRE FUCKING ENVIRONMENT and i said "its not like it matters, just as long as theres at least one girl fish left." i did not know where babies came from at the time. he said "steve wut u talkin bout thar has 2 be a dude lol" and i was like "wut no thar dusnt" and i bet him $20 and we asked my mom and she was like "oh no." i never paid him the $20. and all i ever learned was the very basics, that you have to put your dick in a girls vag (to any four-year-olds who somehow got to my blog by accident, you have my sincerest apologies). i never found out anything more until 6th grade, when i did the pornography. WAY TO GO MOM AND DAD.
okay the second thing that happened was HE HAD A FUCKING TREBUCHET. this actually had no effect on me whatsoever, but, fuck, he had a goddamn trebuche! like, not a tiny popsicle-stick-and-rubber-bands catapult, but A MOTHER FUCKING ACTUAL TREBUCHET. his parents never married, and his step dad was SO DAMN C001. and either he or his real dad helped him build AN ACTUAL WORKING FULL-SCALE TREBUCHET in his backyard. it was fucking MASSIVE. we launched a watermelon at his house and it was awesome. fuck, he was so c001 and i couldnt even recognize that until now. HOLY SHIT, A TREBUCHET, OH MY GOD!
im going to end the post here instead of talking about how one time we played pretend and it was like LotR but shitty cuz we were kids and i had an imaginary giantess girlfriend who was ALWAYS NAKED and we killed entire fucking armies because i had a goddamn giantess on my side, because that trebuche is REALLY FUCKING C001 and i dont want to talk about anything that isnt that HOLY SHIT AMAZING TREBUCHET.

it was like that but without the ladder and a bit simpler.



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